Submit A Book The People's Book Prize

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ENTRY FORM online submission:  backlist and new books eligible

Please click here for the rules of entry

Patron: Frederick Forsyth CBE

    Founding Patron:  Dame Beryl Bainbridge DBE

If this is your first submission please complete this section which will appear in the  Publishers Directory.

Thank you

Book Details

Fiction: Romance, thriller/crime/mystery, historical, humour, Science fiction, fantasy, poetry, short stories...

Non-Fiction: Biography, business,health,home, self-help/how-to, mind/body, medical, sports/hobbies, travel/holiday...

Children’s: age group i.e. ....yrs - .......yrs AND (if any) number of illustrations
Is the title submitted the Author's first book

Please Note: No books must be sent with this Entry Form.   

Confirmation of books being included in the collection will be sent with a request for the following: an email containing jpeg image of the front cover, a pdf of the first 2 chapters and to send one copy of the book.