Group Study Room Reservations

Reservations can be made up to two weeks in advance and must be made or changed at least 24 hours in advance. Masks are optional.

Please be considerate and cancel any reservation you will not be using. There is a 15 minute grace period for reservations. If the group (two or more people) is not present within the grace period, the reservation is invalid, and the room is available for use. Rooms cannot be reserved or held by placing personal belongings in them.

See what Study Room best fits your needs @ 

Note:  Study Rooms 145 and 323 are our only study rooms that will accommodate groups larger than five, and are both equipped with Apple TV and Chromecast.

The Media Services studio is available as a group viewing room, complete with DVD or VHS and a large size TV. If you have a group of three or more students who need to view a video for a class please call x2190 and speak with Chris Drake to make a reservation.