RSVP Office - Bay Haas Building
Oops! This location is temporarily unavailable.
Due to a flood in the part of the building where we prepare tax returns, the Bay Haas location is temporarily unavailable. We're waiting for information about when we'll be able to return to this location. Please note the following details:
- If you've already been scheduled for an appointment at the Bay Haas building, a volunteer or United Way staff member will contact you about rescheduling or relocating your appointment if necessary. Whenever possible, we'll try to keep your appointment for the same date and time, but the location may be changed if the building remains unavailable.
- Until we know when we can return to the Bay Haas building, we won't schedule future appointments there until we can reasonably expect to honor them. We intend to add appointments at our other locations as long as we can provide volunteers to help you at those locations. However, people who are being rescheduled will be offered the first opportunities to move.
- When this location is able to reopen, we'll share the schedule here.
Of course, you may always go back to the list of schedules and try a different location.
Thanks for your patience. This is not what any of us wanted, but we will make lemonade from the lemons, because it's what we do.
The United Way Volunteer Tax Preparation Team