Woodshop Reservation Schedule

Online reservation form for the CMU School of Art room DH C202 (Woodshop)

Select the length of your reservation (this can be changed). Once selected, you can view the availability of the room and see any reservations already made. Select the start time of your reservation by clicking on an open section of the calendar. Sign in using your Andrew ID and password. From the drop down menu select the area you wish to work in, as well as an open slot. Grayed out areas or slots indicates they are already reserved and may not be selected. Enter your full name (required) and your telephone number (optional), and select if you would like to have an email confirmation of your appointment.

General Wooshop:
This is the main part of the woodshop and includes use of the table saws, miter saw, band saw, drill press, disc sander and lathe.
Gluing / Clamping Table: This is the long gluing / clamping table near the back of the room by the scroll saw.
Hand Tool Room: This is the back room which holds the smaller hand-held tools for drilling / screwing, gluing, pneumatic tools, dremels, etc.


  • Are limited to days when the Sculpture Technician is present
  • Allow up to four people to work in the room simultaneously
  • Can be made in 30 minute increments, with a 4 hour maximum
  • Can be scheduled up to two weeks in advance
  • Should not be made simultaneously. If you need to work in different areas of the shop you must make subsequent reservations (i.e. 30 mins in the general woodshop area, followed by 30 mins at the gluing table)

ALL university safety precautions must be followed at all times
These include:

  • Wearing a mask at all times, even if you are alone in a room
  • Disinfecting objects and equipment before AND after use
  • Maintaining 6 ft. of social distance whenever possible
  • Respecting the occupancy number posted on all rooms

Questions or concerns should be directed to the Sculpture Techncian Lauren O'Connor-Korb (loconnor@andrew.cmu.edu)


School of Art MFA Extended Acesss

30 minute reservation 0:30
1 hour reservation 1:00
1.5 hour reservation 1:30
2 hour reservation 2:00
2.5 hour reservation 2:30
3 hour reservation 3:00