Contact information
Person's name
Phone number
Email address
How did you hear about the Behavior Helpline? (check all that apply)
Adopted from Humane Society of Western Montana
Contacting or visiting the Humane Society of Western Montana
Another shelter/rescue
TV commercial
Friend/family member
Website/online search
Took a training class/lesson at the Humane Society of Western Montana
I have used the Behavior Helpline before
Pet information
Cat's name
Intact female
Intact male
Spayed female
Neutered male
Where did you get your cat?
How long have you had your cat?
Who is your veterinarian?
Does your cat have any medical issues, including allergies? If so, please describe.
If your cat is taking any medication, please list the drug and dosage
What brand of food do you feed?
How much does your cat eat each day?
What is your cat's feeding schedule? Check all that apply.
Food is available all/most of the time
Scheduled meals
My cat eats immediately and finishes all her food
My cat is a picky eater and takes her time or grazes
What are your cat's favorite treats or snacks?
What are your cat's favorite toys or games? (ex. wand toy, laser, balls, catnip filled toys, etc.)
Is your cat declawed?
Yes - front paws only
Yes - all four paws
If your cat is declawed, when did the surgery happen?
Describe your cat's exercise routine (activity, distance/duration, frequency, locations, etc.)
Tell us about your cat's indoor/outdoor routine by checking all the boxes that apply.
My cat is indoor only
My cat is mostly indoor but gets supervised time outside (ex. leashed, supervised, catio, etc.)
My cat lets me know when she wants to go out and stays out however long she wants
My cat is mostly outdoor (ex. out first thing in morning, for most of work day, only comes in for eating/sleeping, etc.)
My cat is outside only
I have a cat door
I have a catio
Where does your cat sleep at night?
What is your typical schedule for work or school?
Where is your cat when left alone?
How often is your cat left alone?
Does your cat hunt and catch small animals?
Household information
If you have other people in your household, list them below (please include ages of children)
Describe your cat's behavior and relationship(s) with human family members
If you have other pets in your household, please describe them below (species, breed, age, gender, spayed/neutered, etc.)
Describe your cat's behavior with other pets in the household.
How does your cat react when strangers come to your home?
Litter Box Information
Please check all the options that apply.
My cat has an open litter box
My cat has a covered litter box
My cat has a lined litter box
My cat has a self-cleaning litter box
My cat eliminates outside
What is the depth of the litter in the box?
What kind of litter do you use?
How many litter boxes are in your home?
Where are your litter boxes located?
How frequently do you scoop the litter box?
How frequently do you change all the litter in the box?
Do you clean the box itself? If so, how often and what cleaning products do you use?
Behavior concern
Describe your cat's concerning behavior. Please be as detailed as possible (where it happens, how often, specific details, etc.)
When did this behavior start?
Were there any environmental or lifestyle changes that occurred around the time your cat's behavior changed? If so, please describe. (ex. moved, had baby, different roommates, job schedule change, etc.)
What do you do when your cat exhibits this behavior?
How does your cat react to your response?
What changes (if any) have you made due to your cat's behavior?
Have you consulted your veterinarian about this behavior? If so, what was the result?
Has your cat ever bitten or injured a person? If so, provide details including circumstances leading to the incident, nature of injury, and level of medical attention needed.
Has your cat ever bitten or injured another animal? If so, provide details including circumstances leading to the incident, nature of injury, and level of medical attention needed.
Are you considering re-homing your cat?