Creative Tech Lab: Weekly Availability

Please Note:

All CAMD Makerspaces (Ryder Makerspace, Creative Tech Lab, Ruggles Laser Lab, and Ruggles CNC Lab) are reserved for CAMD majors or students enrolled in CAMD courses.  All other NEU colleges or departments should direct requests to their internal facilities. 

Reservations are required to guarantee bench space and availability of Makerspace Staff. 

Weekly reservations are subject to change or deletion without notice to accomodate CAMD courses, workshops, or trainings.  

Any and all CAMD Faculty requesting trainings or workshops for their courses must coordinate in advance with Maker Space Staff to arrange a specific day and time to have the space reserved. Faculty are required to attend all Makerspace trainings scheduled for their courses. Lead times and availability fluctuate. Course syllabi will be requested along with anticipated project details.