Lappis Living Room schedule

Please take a moment to read all the information below:

1. Once the booking is done, an email with the following details should be sent to

  • Subject: Last Name / Day of the booking.
  • Proof of the booking on the SuperSaas website.
  • Evidence of deposit through Swish (0722730137) or Revolut @antoabarzotti.
  • copy of an ID
  • Attach signed Contract.

2. The email should be sent until the Sunday 20:00hrs before the renting week. 

3. On Sunday after 20hrs an email with the code to the lock will be sent, this code should be used to open the lock that is positioned next to the living room door to provide access to the key that opens the living room door. The code will only work for the day of the resevation. 

If the email is not sent until 20hrs of the previous Sunday of the booking week the booking will be cancelled. 

Facility details:
●    Address: Amunuesvägen 5B
●    Maximum people capacity at a time: 20
●    Usage hours: 09:00 – 22:00

●    Price: Free.  Deposit: 1,500 kr  (swish or revolut) 

Contract Prerequisites:
1. The tenant has a valid Lappkärrsberget tenancy agreement with SSSB

2. The tenant has paid the necessary deposit.

3. The tenant has signed the contract. 

More information:

The Family room is a small venue where you can have quiet get-togethers with your friends or family.

Any fine placed upon the venue will be charged to the tenant responsible for the use of the venue on the day of the reservation. The tenant is responsible for the code and should not share it irresponsibly. 

A maximum number of 20 people can use the place. 

If you have any questions email us on or contact us on our Instagram page livingroomlappis

If you fail to follow the rules, you will lose your deposit.