What can users do on my schedule?
Whether registration is required for a schedule is configured on the Access tab on that schedule’s Configure > Access page. Here you define what users (and superusers) can do with respect to adding, updating and deleting bookings. This page also allows you to define which information about the bookings is made visible to regular users. As the administrator, you will always be able to see all information. In addition to configuring the access rights of regular users, the Access tab also allows you to define schedule-specific superusers and give them additional access rights.
Viewing and using the schedule
The default settings on this screen are determined by the choices made during the “New schedule” setup wizard. The most commonly selected option is that anyone can view a schedule, but they will need to log in to create and/or change appointments. If, however, you would like only registered users to view and use your schedule, you should select
under Who can see the schedule?. Note that the system prevents you from making contradictory choices. For example, if you select the option that only you and authorized superusers can make changes to the schedule, the Anyone who can add something… options under Who can update or delete entries? will be disabled.
Note that the options will differ slightly from the ones shown above if you selected the “shared password” or “IP filtering” option under Access Control
You can also allow people to make changes without signing in at all. This simplifies the booking process but several important features such as the booking history will no longer be available. If you would like to allow unregistered users to change their appointment, but not anyone else’s, you can add a special link to their appointment in the confirmation email.
Viewing appointment details
Depending on what you use your SuperSaaS schedule for, you may want to hide certain booking details from users. Especially in commercial settings this could help you protect your customers’ privacy. Conversely, on a schedule for internal use only, for example to book a conference room, you may want users to be able to check who else booked.

There are four levels of detail to choose from, ranging from showing all information to no detail at all. (The available options differ slightly between schedule types.) In case email addresses are part of the booking details, you can use the option
to prevent users’ email addresses from being extracted from your schedule. Only the section of the email address before @ will be shown.Superusers’ access rights
Superusers who are added through User Management have superuser access to all the schedules within an account. If you would rather grant a user superuser access to a particular schedule only, you can do so by adding his or her login name on the Access tab of that schedule.

In addition to the ability to view all booking details, superusers can be granted additional access rights. You can, for example, allow superusers to change the holiday schedule and opening hours. By default, superusers have superuser status for all schedules on an account, you can limit this ability by configuring User Groups.